Which statement below describes you better?
I need an elearning provider for a specific project.
I'm considering elearning, but don't have a specific project in mind.
Let's get you the information you're looking for.
What is one most important question you have at this time?
Let's use this free online tool to get you the information you need.
How will you structure the learning content?
Let's use this free online tool to get you the information you need.
What will the final product look like?
Will this project need voice-over?
What does the learning content look like?
What is the target seat time for the entire project?
Let's use this free online tool to get you the information you need.
What is one most important question you have at this time?
Let's use this free online tool to get you the information you need.
Which training need do you anticipate in the near future?
What budget would you be comfortable allocating to an elearning project?