A proper project setup will lay the foundation for creating a successful eLearning course. Here are some questions you should answer prior to starting an eLearning project.
See the list below or download this handout as a PDF file.
- What are the project goals?
Determine what outcomes you are trying to reach with this project. For example, the behaviors you are trying to address, knowledge areas that will be covered, etc. - What tangible outcomes will demonstrate that the project was successful?
Outcomes that will occur after the project is completed. In other words, how will you know that the project succeeded? - What technology requirements should the project team consider?
Ranging from how the participants will access the training to what information will be tracked, the technology requirements should be addressed early in the project. - What would the ideal project timeline be?
You should consider all the internal goals and processes that will either affect or be affected by the project. Think about when you would like to start, when you plan to roll out the training content to the learners, how much time will the stakeholders need to review deliverables, etc. - How will the team communicate?
Decide how often you would like to share project updates and who will be responsible for sharing them. Identify your preferred means of communication. - What will the major milestones of the project be?
Describe all milestones and interim deliverables that you expect to see during the project. Sticking to these milestones will later ensure that the project is moving in the right direction. - What project roles will each team member assume?
This is especially important with large and geographically dispersed teams. You should ensure that all project responsibilities are covered. - Which responsibilities fall within each project role?
Each team member should clearly understand what responsibilities each role entails. This will ensure a uniform understanding of roles and responsibilities within the team. - What content resources will be used?
Decide which content resources can be used as source materials for the project. It’s also important to identify the resources that are currently available and those that will need to be created as part of the production process. - How will the questions and/or concerns be addressed?
Identify a clear workflow for addressing any questions and concerns the team may have. This should include how the issues will be communicated, and who will determine that the issues have been resolved.
Next step: determine the eLearning project cost to know what to expect and be able to budget properly.
Determine what outcomes you are trying to reach with this project. For example, the behaviors you are trying to address, knowledge areas that will be covered, etc.
Outcomes that will occur after the project is completed. In other words, how you will know that the project succeeded.
Ranging from how the participants will access the training to what information will be tracked, the technology requirements should be addressed early in the project.
You should consider all the internal goals and processes that will either affect or be affected by the project. Think about when you would like to start, when you plan to roll out the training content to the learners, how much time will the stakeholders need to review deliverables, etc.
Decide how often you would like to share project updates and who will be responsible for sharing them. Identify your preferred means of communication.
Describe all milestones and interim deliverables that you expect to see during the project. Sticking to these milestones will later ensure that the project is moving in the right direction.
This is especially important with large and geographically dispersed teams. You should ensure that all project responsibilities are covered.
Each team member should clearly understand what responsibilities each role entails. This will ensure a uniform understanding of roles and responsibilities within the team.
Decide which content resources can be used as source materials for the project. It’s also important to identify the resources that are currently available and those that will need to be created as part of the production process.
Identify a clear workflow for addressing any questions and concerns the team may have. This should include how the issues will be communicated, and who will determine that the issues have been resolved.